Intro to Robotics
This full-year class will involve brainstorming, designing, building, and programming a robot with specific goals in mind. There will be no formal curriculum as it will be a hands on, student-driven class to give students the opportunity to gain experience in STEM related fields. No grades will be given, as it will be participation based only. Participation and commitment are key to the success of this class. Our Robotic teams will be able to take part in the Kern Robotics League, where we will compete with other local high schools on four different Saturdays. In addition, there will be several local full-day tournaments that we have the option to compete in this year. Several former members of the local award-winning home school robotics team “The Battle Bolts” will be providing guidance and expertise to students as well. Teamwork, good communication and problem –solving skills are other added benefits of the class. Parent involvement is highly recommended. All materials will be provided, however if you have a laptop you can bring to class that would be beneficial, but not required. For any specific questions please contact: Pres Brittian <
Min Number of Students