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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who or what IS HERC?

Home Educators’ Resource Center was incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation to help homeschooling families bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Its founder, the late Peggy Turner, worked with other veteran homeschool parents to formulate the vision and philosophy of the organization, and invited these couples to sit on its board to ensure that the corporation maintained the values and focus as originally intended. Current board members have worked with Peggy and the original members to maintain this focus. This board oversees the HERC offerings and finances, with the help of many dedicated volunteers. These dedicated servant-leaders are committed to glorifying God through these acts of service.

2. What services does HERC provide?
  • HERC maintains a list of trained counselors who can help answer homeschooling and college prep questions and give academic advice. Parents may make an appointment to consult with one of these counselors by contacting HERC. The first consultation is always free, but there is a $25/hour charge after that.
  • HERC facilitates classes that are offered by gifted tutors. These tutors are available as independent contractors. Parents may hire these tutors to assist them in teaching various subjects via these classes. Classes are held at HERC’s campus one or two days per week during the school term.
  • HERC makes available various testing instruments at different times of the year, including, but not limited to, ITBS, Pre-ACT (ACT prep), and ASVAB.
  • HERC sponsors various student clubs which meet on campus monthly. These clubs may also participate in off-campus activities and events, and sponsor group activities for HERC students.
  • HERC sponsors a graduation ceremony for homeschooled senior and eighth grade graduates.
  • HERC publishes a yearbook each year, whereby homeschoolers can document their attendance and memorialize activities.
  • HERC puts on two Showcases of talent representing various classes and clubs, in December and May of each year.
3. Is HERC a school?

It is NOT a school. It is a resource center dedicated to coming alongside parents whose children are enrolled in small schools which have few resources on their own.

4. How much does it cost?
  • !HERC membership, renewable every school year, is $125 per family per year.
  • HERC testing costs vary per test.
  • You may hire a HERC counselor for $25 per hour after the free initial consultation.
  • All courses have been priced at a minimum of $10 per class period (some courses which demand more preparation and expense from teachers are higher). All payments for classes are made directly to HERC tutors. Please contact the tutors directly if you have any questions about payments or payment plans.
  • Each tutor charges a small HERC fee depending on length of class, which is passed through to HERC to help cover overhead expenses.
  • HERC-sponsored clubs, which are advised by HERC tutors or volunteers, cost $25 per year. Some may have various other dues and expenses. See individual club advisors for information.
5. How does HERC decide which tutors and staff to hire? How may I apply to work at HERC?

HERC does not hire tutors or staff. Qualified tutors who would like to offer classes as independent contractors to homeschoolers through HERC may submit their applications and class proposals each spring for the following school year. Please contact us for a list of qualifications, for forms and for any other information you need. If you would like to volunteer for a staff position at HERC, we would really appreciate your service! Please contact us and let us know!

6. Are HERC tutors and classes screened?

HERC tutor applicants fill out paperwork which includes their statements of Christian faith and their agreements to abide by stated HERC policies and procedures. New tutors are subject to a background check before their class offerings are approved by the HERC board. Generally, HERC-approved tutors use curriculum from known Christian publishers for subjects which contain subject matter that may affect worldview issues.

7. Does HERC staff supervise my children while they are on campus?
  • HERC does not have funds to hire any staff. Tutors can supervise students during the class for which you have hired them; however, EACH PARENT WHO HIRES HERC TUTORS AGREES TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS/HER OWN CHILDREN at all times. HERC parent volunteers may be on campus to perform various functions such as coordinating and supervising clubs and other activities, performing library and secretarial duties, etc.; however, they cannot be responsible for the welfare of your children. For safety reasons, HERC does not recommend that parents leave their children on campus unattended, or that the children be allowed to leave campus unattended. Please read the HERC handbook and enrollment forms for complete details.
8. But doesn’t HERC schedule classes like a school? What if my student needs to stay on campus for a class later in the day?

Sorry! HERC is not a school–it merely provides a campus and an organized means for tutors to offer their services to parents. There is no provision for unsupervised students to remain on campus before or after classes. HERC does not have staff to monitor these students, and therefore cannot be responsible for their safety. If parents are not able to pick them up, they should make arrangements with a responsible adult to supervise their children. Students should not be on campus unless they are in a class or club, or with a parent/guardian.

9. My children will be taking classes all day. Is there a provision for them to eat lunch?

There will be a longer passing period between 3rd and 4th periods. This will give
students time to get their sack lunches or grab something from the campus coffee shop or the Snack Bar in the HERC office. Students are allowed to eat in class, especially during the beginning of 4th period.

10. How can I sign up for these classes and clubs?

HERC attempts to post classes for the upcoming school year in late spring of the preceding year. Please check the website, and contact tutors for classes you are interested in as early as possible. Tutors may pull a class if not enough early signups are received. Look for complete information on the HERC website:, on our Facebook page, and on the HERC e-mail announcement chain (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to add your name to the chain).

11. Where is the HERC office and campus located?

The HERC office and classes are held on the campus of Calvary Chapel Bakersfield, 6501 Schirra Court, Bakersfield, CA 93313, in Building 400. The office telephone is (661) 633-4545.

12. How can I receive updated HERC information and announcements?

HERC volunteers send out regular e-mail announcements when classes are in session. To get on this list, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The HERC website is also updated frequently, thanks to faithful volunteers.

13. What is HERC’s Contact Information?

Home Educators’ Resource Center
PHYSICAL LOCATION: 6501 Schirra Court, Suite 400, Bakersfield, CA 93313
MAILING ADDRESS: 6501 Schirra Court, Suite 400, Bakersfield, CA 93313
PHONE: (661) 633-4545
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Copyright © HERC Bakersfield